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Success story of Joanne Rowling

  Hello friends 👋 today's story is about a author of Herry Potter Book. Her named is Joanne Rowling or J.K.Rowling. Her biography is very inspiring to all of us.  So let's start the story. Long time ago, there was a beautiful girl born on 31 July 1965 in Yate, United Kingdom. She was very intelligent girl. When she was six years old, she wrote her first story. A story about a little rabbit. Her mother used to love her writing. And often used to smile and listen to her daughter tell a story. The little girl dreamt of becoming a writer one day.  But her father told her, that writing will never pay for the bills. Don't even think about it. So after school she applied to the Oxford University, but was rejected. They said that she was not good enough. Gradually, time went on, she graduated, took smaller jobs. Her dream of becoming a writer was now far away. But one day, four hour delayed train journey, she got an idea for a book. She went home and started scribbling the story.
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