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success Story Of Karsanbhai Patel

 Hello friends πŸ‘‹ today's story is about a man who discovered the washing detergent Nirma. So let's start the story.

Long time ago, there was a child born in 1945 in a small village. His father was a humble farmer. As he was growing up, he started dreaming of a better life. 

When he was 21 year old. He graduated in chemistry and got his first job. Gradually life went on, he got married, got a safe government job and had kids. One day, while shopping, he found out, that the price of most popular detergent powder has increased a lot. He said that the price is too high. Even he can create the same detergent powder at a much lower price.

No one believed him, they told him to focus on his job. But still his heart said, he can create the same detergent all by himself.  So when he was 36 year old, he took a loan and inside his small house, he started experimenting, try again and again to create the best detergent powder.

And one night, as the world was fast asleep, he discovered Success. His detergent powder was finally ready. He became very happy, as if his dream of a better life was now closer. 

Later, he requested retailer to keep his new product in their shop but was rejected. They won't sell a homemade detergent in their shop. That time, he felt like giving up but deep down his heart said, he should keep trying. So after office hours, he would ride his bicycle and go door to door, trying to sell his homemade detergent.

 People laughed at him, an educated science graduate was now selling detergent, door to door. Some people didn't even allow him to enter their house. While some were rude, arrogant. But he ignored all of them. He just followed his heart. And at last, he found a few customers. He promised them  that he would return their money, if they didn't like his product. 

They took his product, and a few days later, all of them come back with smile on their face and give him more orders. 
The word about his homemade detergent started spreading. Every day in his small house, he used to make detergent, while his little daughter played with him. He loved his daughter a lot, wanted to give her all the happiness. 

Almost three years passed by, his side business was now growing. Then he decided to leave his job and open a detergent workshop but people advised him , he should not take this foolish risk, now he has a safe government job, what if the business failed? How would he takecare of his family? Later, on a gloomy day, his daughter got injured in a road accident. He rushed to the hospital. 
But when he reached there, he found out, his beloved daughter has passed away.  
There were tears in his eyes, he couldn't believe it, he has lost his little girl , how can she die so early? Later, each passing day was difficult for him. He remembered her little things, her smile, he could not even concentrate on his work. 

One day, when his whole world appeared to be filled  with darkness. That was the time, he again listened to his heart. Deep down he knew, he must continue on his path , he should not stop. Soon after he left his job and started a small workshop. In the memory of his daughter, he named his new company  after her nickname Nirma. Now over three decades, after starting that small workshop. His company now has 25,000 employees with turnover of over $2 billion. All this was started by a one person named of Karsanbhai Patel.

In this way this wonderful success story of Karsanbhai Patel tells us that, all he had possible by dream of better future and he always followed his heart. So whenever we got confused and distracted then we should just listen to our heart and move forward.

Thank you all.... 


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