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Showing posts from July, 2020

Story to achieve your future dream

Hello friends, today's story is about a struggle in life. Many times it happens that, we give up our goal when we face a big problem.  But before starting the story,  see the below image for understanding better. So let's start the story. A long time ago, a child was born in a poor family. His parents named him Rahman. His father was a farmer and his mother used to work at others.  Gradually, Rahman grew up. So when he was six year old then he started going to school. From such a young age he started dreaming big like I would have a big house, I would have a car and i will start my own business etc. But people used to make fun of him when he heard these things. They used to say first look at the situation of your family and then dream big. After this, he didn't pay attention to these things of people and was always happy.  Now he was 12 years old. Then one day he knew that, a big singing band is about to come his near city. He became so excited and was ready to go there. &#

Trust to God, everything will be right

Hello friends, so today's story is about a trust to God. And we will understand this by inspirational story. But before starting the story let's see the image of doctor. This image is related to story.  So let's start the story. Once, there was a famous doctor of Lucknow. His name was Salim. He was cancer specialist. And he spent his entire life for serving the people. But now he was in the age of retirement. That's why award meeting was organised for him in delhi.  They invited the doctor Salim for having the  Life Time Achievement Award. As,  they saved the life of many people so all people of Lucknow was ready to meet him on the organisation.  So next day, he went to the airport but some technical fault caused the flight to cancel and after that there was no other flight. That's why he decided to go there by hire the cab. And he is gone. When he  reached half way then the driver said, sir, there is a lot of jam ahead. And we will not be able to reach the night. D

Do not treat yourself with the view of others

Hello friends 👋 it always comes to our mind that people think of us as what are not ? And people don't even understand what we really are? We always do well with people but people misunderstand us.   So I will get you out of the problem by the wonderful story of Woodcutter.   But before starting the story, look the below picture of wood cutter. So let's start the story. Once upon a time, there was a honest wood cutter named of Sundar. He was very hard working man. He always used to help of others and did everything possible to help. But when he went to ask for help from someone then people refused him. That's why he always used to think that, I always do well of others but nobody values me. In this way he remained unhappy and disappointed. So one day Sundar came to know about a great monk, that whoever goes to him, comes back with happiness and they have a diagnosis of all the problems. So he decided to go there. When he reached then he told him his problem. Then the monk

Story of struggle and success

Hello friends 👋 today I am going to tell you the story of such a girl, who did this on the basis of his will power and faith, which people called impossible. This story is inspiring for all of those people who give up  on having a little problem in life.  But before starting the story, I want to show you a picture of inspiring lady.  Wilma Rudolph So let's start the story.  This was in the year 1939 , when a girl was born in America. She was belonging to a very poor family. Her mother used to work of servant of others and her father was porter. When she was 4 years old then her parents found out that their daughter had polio. So they went to doctor and doctor said, she never will be able to walk and for walking she wil have to wear brush. After hearing this, As if the mountain was broken over her parents. Gradually, she grew up. One day she saw school children running.  So she too wanted to race but she knew that she can not run and got disappoint. When she went home then her moth

Whole story of corona virus

Hello friends 👋 so today's story is about a  pandemic corona virus. First of all, I want to show you the structure of corona virus. See  below. But before starting the story , I have a vedio to explain you. See below. So let's start the story. There is no doubt that the beginning of 2020 has been terrible. As all we know that , there have been many incidents before this, but among them, corona virus is considered the most dangerous. This virus , which started from Wuhan in china,has caused Havoc all over the world. And WHO ( world health organization ) declared it an epidemic on  30 January 2020. And it all started, when cases of pneumonia started to increase in Wuhan district of China. And when no vaccine has worked on these patients then the Chinese government started investigating it. And then they found that the name of huanan seafood wholesale matket came surfaced.   Meat of many wild animals like chicken , fish, bats, lizards, and snakes were sold in this market.     whe

Life changing story " opportunity "

Hello friends 👋 , so today's story is about " opportunity ". It is a very inspiring story. So here below , I have a vedio  of opportunity. You should must watch it for learning better.  So let's start the story.  Once a man named of Amit  lived in a small city. He used to work in the petrol pump. One day a  black Mercedes benz  came in the petrol pump. As Amit saw the car. He became so excited. After sometime a rich man came out of the car and said that fill the petrol of 2500 in my car. But while filling the petrol, he was so fascinated with that car, so he kept staring. Then that man asked to amit , what are you thinking ? Amit said, it is my dream car. I also want to do hard work and become a big man. With which I also be able to buy this car.  Amit and a rich man   When that man understood his situation then he gave him a visiting card and said coming to my office from this address. I will teach you to do business and may be, if you did hard work then defenetely

When it's just getting worse and you are going into depression.

Hello friends 👋 welcome to my story. As all you know that , for getting motivate stay connected with me.  Before starting the story  I have some inspiring lines for explaining you.  " If you think of giving up in life, first think about the reason, you were still in the field" . So let's start the story. Once, there was a girl named of Shivangi. She wanted to start her own business. So after passing out her college. She thought, I won't do the job but I will start my own business. So she started her business of sales. Till one year, her business was good but suddenly she suffered a lot of damage and her business went into a loss. Her company closed and she started thinking that, I couldn't achieve my dream and now nothing can be done. Her friends and  family explained her a lot but she was not willing to listen to anything and slowly, she started going into depression. So one day her college professor came know all this and they called  to meet her. When they cal